Indian mythology1.



"Creations." (A. Fantalov, 1993, oil on canvas).

Visnu is sleeping on the World Serpent Cesa. A flower, what is groing from Wisnu's navel, is opening and we see Brahma (god-creator).




Ravana. (A. Fantalov, 2001, watercolour on paper).

When Ravana - the king of raksas (the night demons) thanks Brahma became invulnerable for weapon gods, demons and monsters, he began to terrorise the world. He attacked Soma (the god of moon), Indra, Yama (the god of death), Kubera (the god of abundance). This picture shows intrusion of Ravana into kingship of Varuna (the god of ocean). Tenhanded demon fighting against Makara (fantastical creation, who combined the features of elephant, lizard, ram, fish and plant. On the distant plan of watercolour we can see the mystery city of Varuna.

Only famous hero Rama (who was embodiment of the great god Vishnu) has won Ravana.




Avatars of great Vishnu. (A. Fantalov, 2001, watercolour on paper).

The most important element of Vishnu’s mythology is doctrine about avatars (personifications). When the world was threatened by demons or natural catastrophes, Vishnu appeared in certain images to save world. He was a fish, what saved Manu (progenitor of mankind at the moment of world deluge. He was Narasimha - man-lion, who won powerful asuras Hiranyakashipu.

The most famous avatars of Vishnu are king Rama (who won a victory over Ravana) and king Krishna, who won a victory over Kansa (see “Machabharata”). Very important also image of Kalki - the horsemen with fiery sword, who will appear at the end of world.

This watercolour represents three avatars of Vishnu: The world fish, the man-lion and Krishna. Krishna rides on the back of horse, what consists of shegerds (the famous legend).

Indian mythology 2

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